That was definitely more info than needed
in fact, several "wtf"s, not least - why were you visiting a convicted pedophile after his release from prison, never-mind having any contact with him in the first place when his preoclivities seemed to be an open secret.. and the best he can some up with is "i don't remember"?
you don't remember?
there's a fucking photo of you with one of the victims and accessories to the crimes you dumb fuck!.
That was definitely more info than needed
appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants.
situations that require a review of an appointed brother's qualifications.
25. committed a disfellowshipping offense years in the past and the matter was never addressed: the body of elders may de- termine he can continue to serve if the following is true: the im- morality or other serious wrongdoing occurred more than a few years ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that he should have come forward immediately when he sinned.
In the past = got away with it
Has jehovahs blessing = fits in with the good old boys club, or has money
Almost everyone has skeletons in the closet
i know some would not think about retirement.
i had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security.
he made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week.
That IRA money would have been thrown in the street. You were supposed to donate it so some CO could brag about all his vacations without ever working
i was driving through the high street in highbrooms, royal tunbridge wells, uk yesterday.. in amongst the shop fronts was something ive never seen before.
a large shop front with big glass windows,posters in the windows saying "start your free bible study today" (or something along those lines.
where the shop name would be there was a large jw.org logo and a blue banner.
Christian science reading room gone bad? Oldtimers tend to disbelieve these things even when they see it.
i think tesla and musk have officially jumped the shark.. did you see the "cybertruck" they released?
it's like the car that homer built!.
it has to be the ugliest vehicle ever built.
I want a Foden steam wagon
i know some would not think about retirement.
i had one brother who would pioneer as he could afford and when he paid off his home he was about to collect social security.
he made enough that his plan was to work two to three days a week and pioneer the rest of the week.
US doesnt have national health even. We were not going g to get infirm. Also tbere is a disconnect in recomended savings the world encourages and actual lower class incomes
My plans revolve around lotto
i saw on another forum a post somebody made about the melbourne assembly.
it seems the religion is still knocking full time jobs/careers and saving for retirement.. you would think at this point in time - after thousands of bethelites were sent home; many thousands of rank & file jws are at or near retirement age with no preparation - that the religion would change its tune, but no.
they are still stubbornly sticking to their guns on this issue.. i’m sorry for any young jws who listen to this.. i’m just glad i never followed their advice and certainly would not want to be in any congregation surrounded by these desperate people!.
The critical thinking and association has to be a lot of it. The policy makers have never had to pull their own weight, never really associate with Webelos and tell stories of the admirable people who walk 10 miles across crocodiles for meeting, on one leg. Look at the videos, homes most of couldnt afford depicted as average
Few of us want immense wealth or fame. ( i would prefer anonymity and wealth).
All the bible examples they hold up as examples had wealth. I remember the comments in a book about lydia " she was WEALTHY ". And abraham's tent did not come from Walmart
we need to save the planet so we have to stop using plastic bags!
in massachusetts, the new law will be going into effect soon.
if you go food shopping, you only cat get paper bags.. what is your opinion of the state banning plastic bags?
Quandary. Plastic wont degrade in a landfill. We reuse iurs as can liners, re ycle the rest. Cloth gets dirty. Paper comes from pulp trees on farms, no market the big timber companies will stop growing them. I still like the big old peck sacks the few times i get one
i think it's really sad that people that wasted countless hours preaching for a cult are deciding to waste more hours on that same cult after leaving it.. get a hobby.
enjoy life.. "the best revenge is a life well-lived.
" - some person said this..
All they ever did for me was cause extra traffic as they closed gates to keep us from driving by
so apparently, not only can people identify as men or women, regardless of reality, but they've now declared that people can identify as black or white as well!
no word yet from rachel dolezal, who will no doubt be declared a visionary, and sadly michael jackson didn't live long enough to celebrate.. i must say, now that i am a black woman, my views on reparations have completely changed.
y'all owe me some reparations bitches to make up for slavery yo.
I bet you could even decide you are annointed.
I am the next Freddy. I have the antitypical fulfillment of the levite cutting up his concubine figured out